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Faroe Islands,. far out majestic!

The Faroe Islands are truly unique, Its one of those places on this planet I always wanted to go,. My neighbor and I always talk about the Faroe Islands when we sit for coffee on his terrific backyard deck to chat about travel. We get on google map, browse around in his ipad finding the […]

La musica tradicional de senegal

La Influencia Musical de Senegal

“La base de toda la música en Senegal es tradicional”, dice Baaba Maal, uno de los mejores artistas musicales contemporáneos en África; y la música tradicional senegalesa puede ser la fundación de muсhos de los sub-generos del mundo occidental. Lee este articulo en Ingles. Aficionados de country blues, calypso, reggae y rap, aunque no lo […]

Cultral music of Senegal

The Musical Influence of Senegal.

“The base оf аll music іn Senegal іs traditional,” sауs Baaba Maal, оnе оf thе finest contemporary musical artists іn Africa; аnd, traditional Senegalese music mау bе thе foundation fоr muсh оf thе music оf thе Western wоrld. Aficionados оf country blues, calypso, reggae, beguine, аnd rap, whеthеr оr nоt thеу recognise іt, hear echoes […]

Central America’s hidden & stunning Caribbean Coast Corn Island Nicaragua.

Central America’s hidden & stunning Caribbean Coast Pt.4 The Corn Islands

The Caribbean coast’s biggest tourist draw is actually 70km offshore on a pair of enchanting islands with horseshoe bays, crystalline coves and underwater caves. Great Corn is larger and peopled by a Creole population that lives in colorful wooden houses, many of which are sprinkled along the main road that encircles the island. And though […]

Haida Gwaii Map Post pic

Haida Gwaii Island nation that will take you back in time and slow you down.

First off, history: The word Haida means simple “people” -people of the islands. This was a small nation unto itself, protected by forbidden seas, making them geographically aloof, sea buttressed and distinctive. In 1787 the islands were surveyed by Captain George Dixon. They were named the Queen Charlotte Islands by Captain Dixon after one of […]

Travel pick up lines!. vol.6

Travel pick up lines!. vol.6

Modern tourism does not promise transformation but rather the possibility of leaving home and coming back without any significant change or challenge. Tourists may enjoy the visit only because it is short. The memory of it, the retelling, will always be better. Whereas travel is about the unexpected, about giving oneself over to disorientation, tourism […]

Weekend Cabin Series #7 Post pic

A Cabin For My Weekend! #7

Aure, Norway By almost any measure, Norway is one of the most livable nations on earth. Its average household income, government services, education and literacy, health care, and environment are at or near the top in almost every major index. Norwegians are among the most active people in the world, and the younger generations are […]