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Food culture in Finland.

Eating local and eating traditional has always been my motto,. When I’m on the road with Santa Lucia LFR I have to be real careful what I eat,. In the past it was always on the run and whatever I could find, not necessarily healthy either. After a couple of hospital trips due to food […]

Un Granero historico!

Situado en la parte rural del Suroeste de la Provincia de Ontario en el condado de Palmira, se encuentra una pieza historica única. Es como un sueño para todo viajero, cuando se trata de el origen de esta particular region de Ontario. Esta estructura inusual, es un gran edificio rectangular. El Granero Ocho Loco es […]

Faroe Islands,. far out majestic!

The Faroe Islands are truly unique, Its one of those places on this planet I always wanted to go,. My neighbor and I always talk about the Faroe Islands when we sit for coffee on his terrific backyard deck to chat about travel. We get on google map, browse around in his ipad finding the […]

La musica tradicional de senegal

La Influencia Musical de Senegal

“La base de toda la música en Senegal es tradicional”, dice Baaba Maal, uno de los mejores artistas musicales contemporáneos en África; y la música tradicional senegalesa puede ser la fundación de muсhos de los sub-generos del mundo occidental. Lee este articulo en Ingles. Aficionados de country blues, calypso, reggae y rap, aunque no lo […]

Cultral music of Senegal

The Musical Influence of Senegal.

“The base оf аll music іn Senegal іs traditional,” sауs Baaba Maal, оnе оf thе finest contemporary musical artists іn Africa; аnd, traditional Senegalese music mау bе thе foundation fоr muсh оf thе music оf thе Western wоrld. Aficionados оf country blues, calypso, reggae, beguine, аnd rap, whеthеr оr nоt thеу recognise іt, hear echoes […]

Haida Gwaii Map Post pic

Haida Gwaii Island nation that will take you back in time and slow you down.

First off, history: The word Haida means simple “people” -people of the islands. This was a small nation unto itself, protected by forbidden seas, making them geographically aloof, sea buttressed and distinctive. In 1787 the islands were surveyed by Captain George Dixon. They were named the Queen Charlotte Islands by Captain Dixon after one of […]

Best Travel Pick up Lines vol. 5

Travel pick up lines!. vol.5

The act of traveling is an impossible broad category, it can encompass both the death march and the cruise ship. Travel has no inherent moral character, no necessary outcome. It can be precious or worthless, productive or destructive. It can be ennobling or self-satisfied. The returns can be only as good as what we offer […]

Weekend Cabin Series #5 Post pic

A Cabin For My Weekend! #5

The Stone House, Fafe, Portugal Note to self: If you ever build a weekend cabin, don’t make it so unique that it becomes a tourist attraction. In 1974, Vítor Rodrigues built a family retreat in the Fafe Mountains of Portugal by connecting a series large glacial erratics with stone and mortar. It has become so […]