
The health benefits of travel.

The health benefits of travel.

Leisure time is an important part of overall health. This is a period of time that we adjust to ourselves, our desires and needs. Even though there are many people who don’t need a special reason to travel somewhere, there are some interesting reasons that will encourage any individual to travel more often. For instance, […]

If Trump wins there is always Montreal or Medellin Post pic

If Trump wins there is always Montreal or Medellin.

I know some of you are freaking out at the possibility of Trump becoming president, believe me, it’s Canada who will need to build a wall! Just in case of that happening I’ll tell you about a couple of places you might want to consider living in exile for the next four years or until […]

May 23rd International Turtle day.

The 12th World Turtle Day is an annual event sponsored by American Tortoise Rescue (ATR). The day is organized to bring attention to turtles and tortoises around the world that are facing numerous challenges to their survival. “World Turtle Day was started 12 years ago by Susan Tellem and Marshall Thompson to increase respect and […]

Top 5 Breath-Taking Islands to Sail in Croatia Post pic

Top 5 Breath-Taking Islands to Sail in Croatia.

If you are looking for an island escape, Croatia is the best destination to get the well-deserved rest and relaxation you need. Fantastic food and wine, enchanting towns, pristine beaches and stunning natural landscapes… Croatia has it all. The nation of islands is also a haven for sailing. The crystal clear and calm waters, warm […]

Peaceful Evans Lake.

Summer can be an unforgettable experience, canoeing on a lake or going for a hike, playing capture the flag with new friends or sitting at night around the campfire, listening to stories, singing songs… But there is more to camp than laugh and s’mores. Evans Lake is a snow-melt small gem, roughly triangular lake having […]

The impact of a interoceanic canal in Nicaragua

The impact of an interoceanic canal in Nicaragua.

The Nicaragua Interoceanic Grand Canal is a shipping route under construction through Nicaragua to connect the Caribbean Sea (and therefore the Atlantic Ocean) with the Pacific Ocean. As of September 2015, no substantial building has taken place. It has been declared that building of ports and locks will begin prior to the end of 2015, […]

Senegal Parc National

Senegal Parc National de la Langue de Barbarie.

The Parc National de la Langue de Barbarie іs аn ecosystem rich аnd varied. Іt іs а unique combination оf environments (mangroves, sand dunes, thе Senegal River, thе Langue de Barbarie, tidal wetlands, thе beach, аnd thе ocean). Неrе mаnу dіffеrеnt species thrive, crabs, lizards, аnd оvеr 160 species birds саn bе fоund thrоughоut thе […]

Sun refugee finds sunny Croatia Post pic

Sun Refugee finds sunny Croatia.

Consider enjoying a summer in sunny Croatia, this extraordinary prospect should be on everyone’s bucket list. The idyllic island of Croatia has something for all worldwide travelers, including great seafood for a gourmet palate, horseback riding, swimming, snorkeling, diving, sight-seeing, these and many more all-encompassing adventures are intended for the thrill seekers and outdoor enthusiasts. […]

Las vacaciones y sus beneficios para la salud.

El tiempo libre es una parte importante de la salud general. Este es un período de tiempo que nos ajustamos a nosotros mismos, nuestros deseos y necesidades. A pesar de que hay muchas personas que no necesitan una razón especial para viajar a algún sitio, hay algunas razones interesantes que estimulen a cualquier individuo que […]