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Senegal Parc National

Senegal Parc National de la Langue de Barbarie.

The Parc National de la Langue de Barbarie іs аn ecosystem rich аnd varied. Іt іs а unique combination оf environments (mangroves, sand dunes, thе Senegal River, thе Langue de Barbarie, tidal wetlands, thе beach, аnd thе ocean). Неrе mаnу dіffеrеnt species thrive, crabs, lizards, аnd оvеr 160 species birds саn bе fоund thrоughоut thе […]

Illegal wildlife trafficking Post pic

Wildlife trafficking, another crisis we can’t ignore!

A White Rhino and her calf walk in the dusk light in Pilanesberg National Park in South Africa’s North West Province April 19, 2012. Elephant and rhino poaching is surging, conservationists say, an illegal piece of Asia’s scramble for African resources, driven by the growing purchasing power of the region’s newly affluent classes. In South […]

Keep calm and learn spanish Post pic

Keep calm and learn Spanish.

Whether your studies take you south or across the ocean, you’ll likely have a transformational experience both inside and outside of the classroom. It’s worthwhile to keep in mind that Spanish, like English, changes dramatically between countries, and you’ll be able to keep learning new words, phrases and slang every time you visit a new […]

Deforestation reality post

Deforestation reality.

Forests are very important to the enviroment because they use carbon dioxide (CO2) and produce oxygen. They also provide shelter and food for many different types of plants and animals. Trees are cut down for many reasons but the main reasons are to make space to build new houses and to clear land to grow […]

World Water Day March 22nd Post pic

World Water Day March 22nd.

I promised my friends at Waves for Water I would help them spread the word about the great work they do and how they are helping people and their communities. Here is what they do: People living in impoverished areas die every day from drinking dirty water. While having access to clean water is a […]