
Booking online vs. booking agent.

In this day and age we have all experienced booking holidays our at least once or twice online, we have become somewhat virtual masters of our own online destiny, few apart from road trippers ever left home without connecting with at least one flesh-and-blood travel rep. Now it seems like a breeze to booked your […]

Squeaky Beach, Australia Post pic.

Squeaky Beach, Australia.

A photo post about my visit to Squeaky beach. A beach made of rounded quartz sand that ‘squeaks’ when you walk on it. This is a great beach where the sand is so fine that it squeaks (hence the name) when you walk across it. Like all the beaches in this National Park, the water […]

Nimmo Wilderness Resort.

Nimmo Wilderness Resort.

Nimmo Bay, Central Coast BC. By Kate MacLennan. Photos by Jeremy Koreski. In the wilderness of the BC coast there is a lodge like you’ve never seen before. This is the story about the visionaries behind BC’s hottest wilderness lodge. On the walls of the “Memory Room” at B.C.’s most intimate wilderness retreat, words stretch […]

Forest Park Golden Cape Rovijn Croatia.

Forest Park Golden Cape Rovijn, Croatia.

Forest Park Golden Cape is one оf thе mоst beautiful аnd largest protected park forests іn thе Mediterranean, аlsо knоwn аs thе international meeting place оf free climbers. Оn thе cliffs rising frоm thе vеrу seaside thеrе аrе sоmе 80 rock-climbing routes, mоstlу easier аnd suitable fоr beginners. Тhеrе іs аlsо аn organized climbing school […]

10 signs you were born and raised in Venezuela Post pic..

10 signs you were born and raised in Venezuela.

1. You don’t have friends, you have panas. You also use the term mi costilla (my rib) because your friends are part of you and you love them from the bottom of your heart. This is the kind of friend who comes to your rescue after you’ve had a traffic accident, checks up on you […]

A Cabin For My Weekend! #8

Tintaldra Victoria, Australia. For the simplicity of the structure, there is something fantastical about the Tintaldra Cabin. It sits in an open field near the Murray River in Victoria, Australia, and every window frames a different landscape. Out one large picture window are the dramatic Australian Alps; rolling hills soften to an open forest in the […]

Food culture in Finland.

Eating local and eating traditional has always been my motto,. When I’m on the road with Santa Lucia LFR I have to be real careful what I eat,. In the past it was always on the run and whatever I could find, not necessarily healthy either. After a couple of hospital trips due to food […]

El consumo te consume Post pic

El consumo te consume.

El verano pasado me encontraba en el aeropuerto de Houston., mi vuelo, al igual que otros vuelos ese día se retrasó debido a una tormenta eléctrica. Compré un jugo y busqué el lugar más aislado para tener un poco de paz en media del caos. Encontre un rincón solitario, agradable en la terminal A13 sólo […]

Consumption will consume you.

At the Houston airport last summer my flight, like any other flight that day was delayed due to a lightning storm. I grabbed a juice and looked for the most secluded spot I could find. I found success at the terminal landing a nice solitary corner only to hear the announcer another flight has been […]

Mitos que existen en tu mente acerca de temblores!

No soy un experto en desastres naturales, especialmente terremotos. Yo mismo, he vivido tres de ellos a pesar de que en sí mismo es una anomalía. Cuando converso con amigos ya sea en una barbacoa, fiesta o colegas del trabajo, en última instancia, si terminamos en el tema de desastres parece que siempre terminó contradicciendo […]