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Porqué no existen muchos bloggers hombres Post pic

Porqué no existen muchos bloggers hombres?

De un tiempo a esta parte, circula en Internet la idea de que existen más bloggers mujeres que hombres. Esta afirmación podría parecer contradictoria, si se analizan las estadísticas de Internet en años pasados. Por ejemplo, hace una década, cuando el fenómeno de los blogs estaba en su máximo apogeo, difícilmente podría haberse realizado una […]

The health benefits of travel.

The health benefits of travel.

Leisure time is an important part of overall health. This is a period of time that we adjust to ourselves, our desires and needs. Even though there are many people who don’t need a special reason to travel somewhere, there are some interesting reasons that will encourage any individual to travel more often. For instance, […]

Las vacaciones y sus beneficios para la salud.

El tiempo libre es una parte importante de la salud general. Este es un período de tiempo que nos ajustamos a nosotros mismos, nuestros deseos y necesidades. A pesar de que hay muchas personas que no necesitan una razón especial para viajar a algún sitio, hay algunas razones interesantes que estimulen a cualquier individuo que […]

Beijing, raw and forbidden even from the air

Beijing, raw and forbidden even from the air!

When I went to China a few years ago i heard of things being confiscated specially photography and videos. Trey Ratcliff from Stuck in Customs made this really awesome video recently with a quadcopter. All the footage was shot with a GoPro. Beijing is the seat of all Chinese government power. So, deciding to fly […]

Travel pick up lines!. vol.3

When traveling humor can also be use as an ice-breaker in other cultures, everyone understands it as a common language and we all get a kick out of making a little fun with places we’ve visited. Something else I’ve also experienced is I love the light in people’s eyes when they learn that you have […]

Inspiring fellow artist Helen Utsal Post pic

Inspiring fellow artist Helen Utsal.

When I first saw some of Helen’s work my first thought were she must be from another planet. She creates paintings,. I mean, works of arts that are out of this planet. there is that planet word again. I’m not an art critique but I can tell when I see good fabulous work, her style […]